Know what is the date of Hot Fashion 2022

 Hot Fashion 2022 reaches its third edition and, like every year, it will bring impressive discounts on fashion, footwear, perfumery and accessories for the whole family.

As buyers, our goal is to make the most of the offers and discounts that are offered only on this date of Hot Fashion 2022, so it is very important to know its main characteristics.

In this Hot Fashion 2022 , the participation of more than 100 companies is expected, which attracted more than 286 thousand new buyers in its edition last year and you can be among them.

According to data from the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO), sales of the 2021 edition exceeded 2,000 million pesos in sales, which accounts for the interest and health of the online sales market.

When will Hot Fashion 2022 happen?

Write down on your calendar from today that the date of Hot Fashion 2022 will be from August 15 at 0:00 hrs. until its end on August 23 at 11:59 p.m. This is 9 days of unique offers on clothing, footwear and makeup.

Don't miss out on flash deals

As if that were not enough, Hot Fashion 2022 will offer even more exclusive promotions and discounts during certain daily time slots. These will be from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

You must be very attentive to the brands that interest you so that you take advantage of them.

Why buy online?

The global Covid-19 pandemic was a severe blow to the economy of countries and the pockets of consumers.

However, one of the lessons that it left us was the trust in online purchases, as well as the availability of products and services through this method.

Consumers have learned to identify secure stores, for example, by verifying that their email addresses in the browser begin with https.

In addition, there is the availability of receiving your products at the door of your house.

Many stores will offer hybrid pick-up-and-pick-up schemes, as well as exclusive discounts for digital purchases.

There are stores that have a wide variety of products online with the option of saving them in the shopping cart.

Thus, you can take advantage of the Hot Fashion offers by entering the products that interest you most in your cart, and pay for them when the promotions begin.

Check product features

An advantage of shopping online is that it allows you to compare prices and quality of the clothes and accessories that interest you without having to visit several stores.

Consumers have become very critical when it comes to choosing the best products, so you will find many reviews, unboxings and content online that will help you choose the best option.

No schedule problems

The availability of products online makes it ideal for those who don't have the time (or desire) to physically travel to department stores.

In addition, it is a very safe way to take care of yourself by keeping a healthy distance.

One more advantage of buying online is not having to handle cash, as well as avoiding traffic, parking and long lines in stores.

Now you know!

Now you have enough information to be sure that Hot Fashion 2022 will have something of interest to you. Be sure to check the index of participating brands and stores on the official website and keep an eye on your calendar to take advantage of all the offers you will find in this annual event.

Hot Fashion 2022 is an event promoted by the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO) and, since its first edition in 2020, Hot Fashion seeks to promote online sales in Mexico and help boost the economy.


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